‘What is it?’ - ‘What do you do?’ - ‘Give me the elevator pitch?’ - ‘What makes you special?’ - ‘What’s your value prop?’ - ‘Tell me about your company?’

Communication matters a great deal and this is particularly true when you're growing your business. Answering these questions correctly and communicating effectively could be the difference between growth…or stagnation. Between success, and failure. And yet, many companies in their early growth stage, don’t spend much time defining how to talk about themselves.

Clearline Partners was built to address this need. It’s in our name!

Novo Nordisk's GLP-1 products, despite being considered less effective than Eli Lilly's offerings, have outperformed in the market. This success is attributed to Novo's strategic and memorable marketing campaigns that resonated emotionally with consumers, effectively elevating their brand above clinically superior competitors.
During the 1980s, IBM was humorously referred to as "Inferior But Marketable," indicating that despite having products considered inferior to competitors, IBM's robust marketing strategies and strong brand presence allowed it to maintain a significant market share.
In the early 2000s, Microsoft Windows PCs dominated the personal computer market, despite many users finding Apple's Mac computers to be superior in terms of design, ease of use, and reliability. Microsoft's success was largely attributed to superior marketing and strategic partnerships. The iconic "Get a Mac" campaign by Apple later shifted this dynamic, but for years, Microsoft thrived due to widespread availability and marketing that appealed to a broader, less niche audience.



Our Values


Communication is everything and our commitment to transparency is fundamental.

Growth cannot happen in the shadows and our clients count on us to be transparent.


It starts with listening, and we synthesize what we hear into effective brand communication.

Creativity is the lifeblood of all organizational communication, your products demand it!


Compassion is an underutilized value in business. The work we do can sometimes challenge long-held beliefs and fixed ways of thinking, that can be uncomfortable. We work from a place of thoughtfulness and respect.


Respect is a fundamental human right. But it’s often seen through the wrong lens. Respect is telling the truth. Respect is accountability. Respect is acknowledgement. This type of respect empowers growth and promotes internal change.

Meet the Team

As individuals our team has a history of successful partnerships with brands and organizations such as Velocity Invitational, Skylar, French Productions, Blue Ocean Gear, MGA Entertainment, Ferrari, Belstaff, AB/InBev, Porsche, Hagerty, FCA, Mercedes Benz, ABC, SONY Pictures Entertainment, Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, ConMet, Michelin, and Chopard.

  • Principal

    Writer (WGA) and business driver with over two decades of hands-on business experience.

    Jonathan is passionate & detail-oriented...with a positive attitude and strong creative sensibility. A dependable, level-headed quick-thinker, Jonathan greets any challenges that arise, swiftly & strategically providing alternative solutions. His easygoing nature and focused approach make the brainstorming process enriching and the end result holistic.”

    - Emilie Hawtin, Sr Manager Digital Marketing and Branding - Belstaff

  • With a people-focused approach and a passion for growth, I bring a versatile skill set to the marketing and RevOps space. My experience centers on building trust, fostering relationships, and driving value through active listening, empathy, and collaboration. As an associate consultant, I am dedicated to helping organizations understand their clients deeply and achieve meaningful, sustainable growth.

Still curious? | Case Study

We are a bit nomadic.

But we’re incorporated in California.